Capacity tier is an additional tier of storage that can be attached to a scale-out backup repository. In February 2020, Veeam released Veeam Backup & Replication Version 10, adding additional functionality to capacity tier.

Initially released in January 2019 in version 9.5 Update 4, Veeam Backup & Replication has been used by customers such as Best Friends Animal Society (case study) to enhance their DR strategy while providing cost savings. Veeam Backup & Replication enables customers to automatically tier backups to Amazon S3 to help reduce their reliance and costs associated with more expensive on-premises backup storage. AWS Storage services such as Amazon S3, AWS Storage Gateway, and AWS Snowball Edge seamlessly integrate with Veeam Backup & Replication to meet these needs. They also want to ensure that their backups reside in highly durable, cost effective storage. Many customers are using Veeam Backup & Replication to protect their on-premises infrastructure and want to reduce the amount of physical backup infrastructure that they need to purchase and maintain.

You must specify a full path to a password file if you want Veeam Agent to use a password file located in specific directory. Keep in mind, if you specify the password using the -password option, password is stored in terminal in plain text. If you do not specify the -password value, Veeam Agent will prompt you to specify a password to access the MySQL database. To learn more about password file configuration, see Preparing Password File for MySQL Processing. If you do not specify account credentials ( -usrmysqidb and -password options), Veeam Agent will use a password file to connect to the MySQL database system.If you specify account name and password ( -usrmysqidb and -password options), Veeam Agent will access the MySQL database system.If you specify account name ( -usrmysqidb option) only, Veeam Agent will prompt you to specify a password to access the MySQL database system.Veeam Agent can connect to the MySQL database system in one of the following ways: If you do not specify this option, Veeam Agent will stop the backup process if an error occurs when processing the MySQL database system. Defines that Veeam Agent must continue the backup process if errors occur when processing the MySQL database system.