Or it’ll hang over my head the rest of the day and kind of cast a cloud on whatever else I’m doing. While some people will be disciplined enough to space out these workouts, leaving one to do later in the day or after work, I know if I rest or take a break after the first one, I’ll never do the second one. I decided to perform both workouts back to back, first thing in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I have to play psychological tricks on myself from time to time to get things done. Two workouts which means devoting 50 minutes of your day to sweat and tears. I am doing this to challenge myself and give myself accountability to complete this workout series.Man, this is a tough day. In case you are wondering, these are all of my own opinions. I’m ready for a protein shake and some hardcore Friday cleaning. Tomorrow is my day off, WOOHOO! Then on Sunday there is a stretch video that is basically another day off, but with some stretching. Since I didn’t want to waddle tomorrow, I decided to do a little extra stretching. My legs were super tired after Lower Focus, and the 3 minute stretch was not enough for me. Like I said before, I was not up for another workout after this one, but you could have done the Cardio workout after this one, as per the suggestion of the Alpha schedule. I watched Tania (the modifier) on and off during this workout I would say a little less than half the time. You then move into some cardio leg moves, a deadlift sequence, and then the second burn-out session. After the burn-out, if you’re still alive, you go into MORE lunges and some adductor exercises I really liked the adductor part. After the lunges, you move into your first of TWO burn-out sessions, doing some of the moves you just did. I wanted to DIE after the lunges I had to stand up and take a break from those every once in a while. After some squats, you move into calf lifts and then lunges.

After some fast jacks, you go into squats (UGHHHH!), but the squats weren’t as bad as the Total Body Circuit squats. After doing some jogging, you move into a jumping jack progression. Today’s workout started off just like the Cardio workout, which I did on Monday: high knees into a slow stabilizer jog. There was no way I was doing 25 more minutes of cardio after that crazy leg workout, sorry Shaun T. I may feel different when another workout is first on Friday, but since today was Lower Focus, I wanted to fall over and focus on a nap afterwards my legs are POOPED. On Fridays, the Alpha workout schedule suggests doing TWO 25 minute workouts, but let’s just say I was only up for one today, maybe next Friday I’ll do two, but honestly, I’ll probably just stick to one, even on Fridays. Today was day 5 of week 1 on my Focus T25 journey. This has been a extra tiring week, especially since I started T25.